Adding Value.
Maximizing Returns.
Hazelton relies in its core group of investment and management professionals to help identify good opportunities and create value through diligent underwriting, excellent property and asset management, and successful implementation of a value-add business plan. Hazelton is steadfastly committed to its guiding principles: a disciplined approach to steady long-term growth, an adherence to the fundamentals of its industry, and an understanding and respect for its markets. These principles constitute the framework and foundation upon which the company was founded, and which will build its future.
Our approach to successful real estate investing involves creating or adding value to maximize returns for investors through the acquisition, redevelopment, management, and disposition for each asset. Each project acquired must pass a comprehensive due diligence process, where it is individually assessed and evaluated. The stringent criteria include a comprehensive look at income stream, cost structure, and management practices. Once purchased, the company’s properties often outperformed its competitive set in individual marketplaces, attracting the best tenants, at higher rents.